Tuesday 19 April 2011

Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) welcomes the formation of the Burma’s Patriotic Military Network

Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) welcomes the formation of the Burma’s Patriotic Military Network
April 18, 2011 — bdcburma

Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) welcomes the formation of the Burma’s Patriotic Military Network

18 April 2011

Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) welcomes the formation of the Burma’s Patriotic Military Network with reference to the BBC/Burmese news on 18 April 2011. According to the news the network is comprises of with Army, Navy and Air Force military personnel ranging from the ranks of the soldiers to major-general. Please see the link http://www.bbc.co.uk/burmese/burma/2011/04/110418_army_network.shtml

According to the BBC/Burmese, the network members units and members are

Hi-Gyi Island Navy Base,
No. 501 Maw-Bi Air Force Base,
Mait-Hti-La Air Force Training Base,
Infantry Regiment 6,
Light Infantry Regiment 7,
Light Infantry Regiment 8,
Main Military Ammunitions Storage Base,
Main Electronic Engineers Base,
Inn-Ma Army Base and
Ye-Mon Infantry Regiment 214.

Myo Thein, the Director of the Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) said “We are very glad to learn that patriotic soldiers of Burma are forming the “Patriotic Military Network”which we believe it will be leading towards working with the people so as to get rid of the military dictatorship system in Burma. We sincerely hope that the rest of the soldiers in the Burma military will follow steps joining the Patriotic Military Network.”

Recently on 13 April 2011, an army captain from Ka-La-Ya (91) based in Maw-Bi under the command of the Rangoon Division Military Command has fallen as the result of the shooting from military units outside the regiment which are taking position outside the Ka-La-Ya (91). Please see the report http://www.bbc.co.uk/burmese/burma/2011/04/110415_hmawbishooting.shtml

Soldiers from various military bases including Ka-La-Ya (91) had called for the (4) demands since 28 March 2011 such as

To review the constitution
To amend the veteran soldiers law and increase the pension
To find the solution of the Burma political crisis in political means
To re-form the government which gains the support of the public

U Khin Maung Win, the Director of the Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) said “In Burma, it is our general beliefs that if the three sons of Burma are united together and joined hands together, we can bring about the change in Burma. In 1988 and 1996, the students (the sons of the schools) were spear-headed the public and opened the new chapters in Burma. In 2007, the Buddhist monks (the sons of the Lord Buddha) were at the fore-front of the public demanding the change in Burma. Now this time, we genuinely hope that the soldiers (sons of the wars) will take the lead bringing about the peace and prosperity in Burma.”

According to the BBC/Burmese http://www.bbc.co.uk/burmese/burma/2011/04/110414_shootings709.shtmlthere are reports of the clashes between the combined forces of Ka-La-Ya (709) & (710) and Rangoon Division Special Forces resulting in one sergeant had fallen and 4 injured of which 3 seriously wounded.

U Tint Swe Thiha, the Patron of the Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) said “The Burma soldiers have the good reputation of standing with the public decisively when the time is necessary. When we look at the 1988 mass uprising, the Burma soldiers from army, navy and air-force joined hands together with the public and united together. As the result, General Ne Win led one party authoritarian regime was toppled leading toward holding the election in 1990 in which Daw Aung San Suu Kyi led National League for Democracy (NLD) won the land-slide victory.”

Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) understands that most of the soldiers in the Burma military wanted to serve the people and the nation rather than a bunch of the corrupted dictator generals.

Daw Khin Aye Aye Mar, the Patron of the Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) said “In Burma, Maw-Bi, Taik-Gyi, Min-Gala-Don and Maik-Hti-La constituencies are right to say the military towns since they are mostly hosting soldiers of the military bases. In 1990 election, almost all of the military towns voted for the Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s Party and elected the NLD MPs. Now, the time is RIGHT again and we honestly hope that patriotic soldiers will take action decisively leading towards national reconciliation in Burma.”

Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) expresses our solidarity with the patriotic soldiers fighting for their rights and we would like to call for all the people of Burma to welcome the brave patriotic soldiers.

For more information please contact

U Myo Thein [United Kingdom]
Phone: 00-44-78 7788 2386, 00-44-208 4939 137

U Khin Maung Win [United States]
Phone: 001-941-961-2622

U Tint Swe Thiha [United States]
Phone: 001-509-582-3261, 001-509-591-84

Daw Khin Aye Aye Mar [United States]
Phone: 001 509 586 8309


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